miércoles, 25 de agosto de 2010

1 - Cambia el tiempo verbal a 'past simple' en las siguientes frases:

2. They didn't like the film.
3. They worked on a farm.
4. Did you work in this factory?
5. Where did you live?
6. I didn't like Tokyo
7. Did he play the guitar?
8. I didn't study French
9. They hated waiting
10. Did your son study here

2 - Completa las frases escribiendo el tiempo de pasado que proceda.

1. was riding

2. were watchin

3. put

4. was listening

5. said

3 - Cambia las siguientes frases del ‘present perfect’ a frases con un significado parecido en el ‘present simple’ poniendo el verbo entre paréntesis. Sigue el ejemplo.

1. The report is finished.
2. Angeles cannot find her keys.
3. Where is Ruben?
4. I have a new camera.
5. She isn’t here at the moment.
6. The flat is dirty.
7. I don’t remember your name.
8. His leg is broken.
9. Carolyn has a new baby.
10. The pope is dead.

1 - Cambia el tiempo verbal a 'past simple' en las siguientes frases, siguiendo el ejemplo:

2. They didn't like the film.
3. They worked on a farm.
4. Did you work in this factory?
5. Where did you live?
6. I didn't like Tokyo
7. Did he play the guitar?
8. I didn't study French
9. They hated waiting
10. Did your son study here

2 - Completa las frases escribiendo el tiempo de pasado que proceda.

1. was riding

2. were watchin

3. put

4. was listening

5. said

3 - Cambia las siguientes frases del ‘present perfect’ a frases con un significado parecido en el ‘present simple’ poniendo el verbo entre paréntesis. Sigue el ejemplo.

1. The report is finished.
2. Angeles cannot find her keys.
3. Where is Ruben?
4. I have a new camera.
5. She isn’t here at the moment.
6. The flat is dirty.
7. I don’t remember your name.
8. His leg is broken.
9. Carolyn has a new baby.
10. The pope is dead.

4 - Pon ‘since’ o ‘for’ en los espacios en blanco.

1. 1 For

2. 2Since

3. 3Since

4. 4For

5. 5Since

6. 6For

7. 7Since

8. 8For

9. 9For

10 10For

5 - Ahora escríbe frases con ‘since’ y ‘for’ siguiendo el ejemplo

1. Graham has had a Porsche for two years.
2. Deek has been studying German since 1999.
3. Luis and Craig have been working on La Mansión del Inglés since 2001.
4. Cathy has been in Cuba for three weeks.
5. Tom has been playing the saxophone since last March.
6. Craig has been teaching English since 1991.

descrptions videos

Bjorn born – love for all

Video is a little funny, surprising, yet very normal, they had seen cases. Two priests who were getting married and apparently all were supporting their families. I like to tell all lived happily ever after.

Bjorn born swedish sport

It is an ordinary family, were doing different activities, the mother knitting, the father smoking a pipe and she sending a message on his cellphone. It's all special, until I reach the girl's boyfriend, she threw her thong and he climbed over the balcony. He shrugged as he slept with mom and dad and then it was not angry, if he liked what he saw. After promoting the brand of underwear.

Bjorn born – love for all rock

The man used a flat-mark and went to find a girl, later, the two shared very nice moments, they married and lived happily with their three children.

Tag questions


-This video shows two beautiful girls, is it?

-these girls are very sexy, is this true?

-they lived la vida loca, is this true?


He departed the skateboard to skate, is not it?

They have been doing charity work, this is so?

These guys are doing a better world, is not it?

Meet me halfway

This video has an image as fictitious, this is so?

That man was riding an elephant, is not it?

They have been in different places, is not it?

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